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Retail Price: $259.00
Current Price: $168.35
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As Assos glibly puts it, "summer is pretty mindless when it comes to apparel choice." That's because the typical temperatures of grand tour season are high enough to impose mandatory minimalism in terms of cycling clothing. But the advent of changing leaves and falling temperatures gives the committed kit hound an opportunity to dip into the cycling wardrobe without going full mindless in the winter jacket direction. That means thermal jerseys, and--as frequent visitors to our site will know--many of us have an obsession with thermal jerseys that borders on a fetish. Of course, not everyone in the Competitive family loses their minds over basic, brushed thermal jerseys, but even the most function-first cyclists here feel a tinge of longing for the impressively articulated Assos iJ. intermediate_s7 profBlack Men's Jersey. If a standard thermal jersey is an object of moderate idolization for the kit-conscious cyclists among us, than the iJ. intermediate_s7 is the heavily gilded calf that threatens to pull any cyclist into the idolatrous fold that fetishizes long-sleeve tops in the shoulder seasons. The metaphor isn't just hyperbole, as the jersey actually does feature gilding of a sort. First, this edition of the iJ. intermediate_s7 is a vehicle for Assos' new profBlack look, which privileges understated subtlety over the look-at-me aesthetics of most race kit. Given the fact that Assos recommends it "for when you want to ride under the radar," this juxtaposition with loud racing strips is especially apt. The jersey is a nod to the tendency for European professionals to train in the cooler months with nondescript jerseys in order to avoid constant interruptions by starstruck fans. By which we mean: cyclists like us. We're pretty sure we'd recognize Nibali's distinctive barrel-shaped torso or Aru's spectacularly violent pedaling style even if they were riding naked, but eliminating the bright team colors is an obvious plus for the less immediately recognizable guys...

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